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FAQ questions and answers:


  • How can I sign up for BatteryDEV?
    - Applications for BatteryDEV March 2022 opened on January 28th and will be open until the beginning of March. We recommend signing up as soon as possible (:


  • How does the application process work?
    - We want to make sure that participants are eager to join BatteryDEV, support open-source, and collaborate in teams. Furthermore, we want to have diverse participants with different skills and backgrounds. We will review all applications and this might take a couple of weeks.


  • What am I supposed to do during the BatteryDEV hackathon?
    - You will team up to solve battery data challenges with the use of algorithms, models, data analytics tools, machine learning, and artificial intelligence during a 7 day hackathon. 


  • Should I work on the project as much as possible and minimise sleeping?
    - We encourage people to be enthusiastic and build great solutions. However, the hackathon was designed as a 7-day event to allow participation even though you might have a full time job. The challenges are designed in a way that meaningful solutions can be achieved with part-time commitment during the week and full-time commitment during the weekend days that fall into your timezone. 


  • What are the allowed team sizes?
    - We encourage team sizes of 2-5 members. Participating alone is also possible, if you like.


  • Can we apply as a team?
    - You need to register individually, but you can name your teammates in the application. After getting accepted you can then form a team and work together.


  • I don’t have a team. Yet! How do I find a team?
    - Don’t worry, you can sign up without a team and we’ll support you with team matching. 


  • When and where does BatteryDEV take place?
    - BatteryDEV 2022 takes place fully online from March 20th to March 26th. We will use Zoom and Slack as main communication tools.


  • How much does participating in BatteryDEV cost?
    - BatteryDEV is completely free for all participants. We want to thank all our sponsors at this point for making the event possible. We will provide server capacities, and amazing prizes, stay tuned for more details.


  • What about intellectual property? Do I own my code?
    - BatteryDEV is about open-source and sharing new ideas. We thus want to support teams turning code into open source solutions. This means that all submissions must come with a MIT licence.


  • What if I don’t know how to program?
    - If you have some experience with batteries, are full of ideas,and are willing to learn, there will be people interested in helping and teaching you.


  • Can I work on an already existing idea or a project for my start-up?
    - BatteryDEV comes with predefined challenges and you are supposed to pick a challenge together with your team. All datasets of the different challenges will become available openly after the end of the hackathon. You are not supposed to bring code that you wrote before, but we encourage building on top of publicly available open-source code which can also be your own code.


  • Additional questions?
    -Please don’t hesitate to write us an email:


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